Tuesday, July 22, 2008


On Monday the students participated in their Choice acitivity. Daniel Hughes is in a track called Echo. It is for students who are exploring what it would look like to be a vocational minister. The first day, his group talked about baptism and even got to "baptize" each other in the poolElijah, Samara and Alyy are participating in Faith and the Arts. This is where the students explore their expressions of faith through the artistic gifts God has given them.

Tanner is in Recess. They are discussing God's purpose and lessons learned through "rec"reating and play.
Heather and Rachel both worked in daycares set up in low income neighborhoods. They did things such as face painting, bible storying, singing, etc.
Each morning begins with high energy morning celebration and bible study.

Stay tuned for more....


Beth said...

I might let Daniel Hughes baptize me again, just because.

That's really cool!

Thanks for these updates - looks like everyone is doing fine and dandy and having a good time. The shot of Prissy Miss Christine with the umbrella is PRICELESS!!!!

We miss you all!

Much love....xoxooxox

Angie said...

jackie, did you wear a white cowboy hat to the dance last night? i think i saw a photo of you looking cute on the passways website.

i also saw robert and elijah being the hams they are, but i'm wondering what eye patches have to do with a down on the farm dance?!

i hope paintball went well...tell them they're welcome:)